Vol.1(1&2), 2012 , IJPSR
Psychological Problems Relating to Social Networking and Online Blogs
S. Subramanian* and D.V. Nithyanandam **
This study focuses on the relationship between the use of two internet applications, namely, Social Networking Sites and Blog Writing and corresponding psychopathological problems experienced among university research students. Here, the internet related problems are construed as psychopathological problems as the cognitive and cyber psychology researchers are focusing their attention on defining criteria for one of the emerging behavioral addiction called internet addiction. Though this term is loosely defined till now, many researchers worldwide accept certain terms to refer to this addiction, viz., pathological internet use, problematic internet use, excessive internet use, internet dependency, internet related problems etc. In order to measure this hypothetical addiction, there have been many attempts by psychosocial researchers. Hence, this study aims to understand the relationship between memberships in social networking and blogging and its influence on internet related psychopathological problems such as Salience, Negative Effects, Mood Enhancement, Productivity, Lack of Control and Lack of Information. Internet Related Problem Scale (IRPS) developed by Armstrong et al. (2000) was used to collect data from 194 students perusing different courses from three southern Indian universities. The results showed that there is a significant positive correlation among Salience and blog writing, mood enhancement and membership in Blog Writing, mood enhancement and membership in SNS, and lack of control and membership in SNS. The results also showed that there were no gender differences in terms of internet related problems. However, students who use more SNS are found to have problems in mood enhancement. Further, the same pattern was observed in the lack of information variable. Students who write more blogs are found to have more problems in salience and mood dimension variables. The study has academic, clinical implications regarding the Internet usage.
Key Words: Social Networking, Blog Writing, Internet, Addiction, Dependency, Blogging
* Professor and Head, Department of Psychology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641 046, Tamil Nadu.
** Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Periayar University, Salem.
*Dr. A. Velayudhan. Ph.D **Dr. S. Srividya
Environmental programmes aim at participation of every individual of the society and bring about a change in their environmental actions. However, success of most of the environmental programs are met with little success because, any kind of measures, mandatory/voluntary citizen’s support is found to be short lived. In order to increase environmental participation among citizens, it has become pertinent to understand the factors that predict environmental participation, particularly in the case of plastic waste, which requires more effort on the part of the individual. This would enhance effectiveness of plastic waste disposal management and provide clues for future environmental policy makers. The objective of the present study was therefore to identify the predictors of environmental participation, in the case of plastic waste, among 637 citizens of Tamil Nadu who were divided into two groups- high and low participation based on self reported measures. Logistic regression was done between the two groups on nine independent variables. The results showed that people between the ages on 18-20 from smaller towns with high propensity of Individual action, values that are against human dominance upon and Learned Inability in specific situation as strong predictors for Environmental Participation. The results and implications of the study are discussed.
Key Words: Environmental Participation, Attitudes, Values, Learned Inability.
*Associate Professor,** Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, Bharathiar UniversityCoimbatore-641046, avelayudham@rediffmail.com
*Mrs. Vandana Nayar **Dr. S. Gayatridevi
From 24 various Schools of Palakkad, Ottapalam, Trissur and Cochin Districts in Kerala, 432 School Teachers were screened using Case Study Schedule (2009), Occupational Stress Index (Srivastava and Singh, 1981) and Novaco Anger Inventory - Short Form (Novaco, 1994), out of which 200 School Teachers with High Stress / High Anger were selected as the sample. Hundred School Teachers were randomly assigned to Experimental Group and hundred to Control Group. The psychological intervention called, Positive Therapy (Hemalatha, 2004) was given to all the School Teachers in the Experimental Group thrice a week, on alternate days, for two weeks. The duration of each session was one hour. Initially, the entire School Teachers had ‘High’ Stress. But after the administration of Positive Therapy, for 2 weeks, the stress level was reduced to ‘Moderate’ level. There was a significant decline in the mean stress from ‘High’ to ‘Moderate’ level, proving the efficacy of Positive Therapy in the management of stress. The anger level got reduced due to the effect of Positive Therapy among the Experimental Group School Teachers and it further helped the School Teachers to overcome their problems and to face it boldly and successfully.
*Ph. D. Research Scholar**Assistant ProfessorAvinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for WomenCoimbatore – 641 043
D. Sriveni*., G. Sridevi**., K. Rangaswamy***
Background: Risk factors have cumulative impact upon the development of children. As the number of risk factors increases, a child is put at greater risk for developmental delay. The aim of the study was to identify the risk factors in pre, peri, and post natal periods of the developmentally disabled children and also to study other variables related to disability such as consanguinity, age of the mother at conception, previous abortions or miscarriages, socio economic conditions of parents, any family history of disability..
METHODOLOGY: The sample for the study consists of 120 children who were diagnosed as developmental delayed. The age range of the children is 3months to 6years. These children brought for intervention to the Child Development Center at ‘Sweekaar Rehabilitation Institute for Handicapped’ were taken for the study.
TOOLS USED: A Pre, peri, and post natal causative factors data sheet for the disabled children was prepared. The details of the causative factors were collected from parents and important others in the family. Denver Developmental Screening Test to assess the developmental delay in various domains were administered individually and entered in to data sheet.
RESULTS: Qualitative analysis was used to analyze the data. The areas of developmental delays and the clusters of causative factors were discussed. Significant pre, peri and post-natal causes were found in developmentally delayed children.
CONCLUSION: There were significant causative factors in pre, peri and post - natal period for the developmentally delayed children. The developmental delay in motor, and language areas depending on the degree of disability. Disability was also significantly related to consanguinity, age of the mother at conception, attempted abortion, and domicile.
Key words: Risk factors - pre, peri, & postnatal causes – Developmental delay.
*Lecturer in Rehabilitation Psychology. **Lecturer in Rehabilitation Psychology.
*** Formerly Prof & HOD Department of Clinical Psychology, Sweekaar Rehabilitation Institute for Handicapped, Secunderabad – 3.
Email ID: d.sriveni@yahoo.com (or) sriveni.rehab.psy@gmail.com
Dr. Richa Sinha* and Dr. Nishi Tripathi**
The paper aims to discuss the conceptual base of Women Empowerment In India and highlights the major factors that are required to empower women in order to improve their socio-economical status in the country. The paper gives and overview to the status of women in India during the ancient times and covers the aspects till the present age. Overall, the effects or implications along with the benefits associated with the concept of women Empowerment have been discussed in the paper.The paper is based on the secondary data. The paper identifies certain economic, social and cultural factors that affect the aspect of women empowerment and how these factors can be used to improve the status of women in India. The paper has a practical implication both for the academicians and for the readers in terms of their concern with the aspect of women empowerment. It highlights of the paper can be used for further research purpose and provides knowledge base to the readers. The paper is socially appropriate in the sense that the concept of women empowerment is socially related and the paper tries to bring out the points that if socially implemented through changes in people’s attitudes along with improvement in social policies, it would lead to improving the women status in India and thus empower them with growth and prosperity. The paper is original in nature. This paper provides historical context for recent developments in the area of Women Empowerment in India. It can help in improving the women status in India at large
Key words: Empowerment, Women Empowerment
*Associate Professor, **Assistant Professor, Joseph School of Business Studies, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences (SHIATS)Allahabad-211002.
Email ID: tripathi_nishi@yahoo.com (or) tripathi_nishi68@rediffmail.com
*G.Sujatha and ** B.Govinda Reddy
Underachievement essentially is a discrepancy between potential and performance, or ability and achievement, or simply, unfulfilled potential. Underachievement can also be described as a gap between teacher or parent expectations and student performance. The academic achievement depends upon intelligence, parental involvement, social support, home adjustment, Friendly Vs Hostility Adjustment, Anxiety, Economical, Educational & Occupational status of parents. The present paper considers intelligence and parental involvement and tries to understand the impact of them in academic achievement of Mathematics. normal girls studying in private schools have obtained the highest mean of 41.13 indicating their higher level of intelligence whereas under achievers girls studying govt. schools have obtained the lowest mean of 23.53 suggesting that they have very low level of intelligence. Girls who are under achievers studying in private schools have obtained the highest mean indicating the higher parental involvement whereas under achievers boys studying in private schools have obtained the lowest mean suggesting low parental involvement. It is suggested that parental involvement must be increased so as to reduce the underachievement.
Key words: underachievement parents involvement academic achievement
*Research Scholar **Professor, Department of Psychology, S.V.University,Tirupati – 517 502, AP, India.
Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control on Mental Health among College Students
A study was conducted on a sample of 800 college students (400 male and 400 female studying arts and Science courses at under graduation level in Chittoor Nellore and Kadapa Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Based on scores obtained by 800 subjects on three Psychological variables only 600 subjects selected applying + S.D formula in such a way that they fit into 2x2x2 factorial design with a sample of 75 in each cell. Emotional Intelligence scale Developed by Nutankumar Thingujam and Usha Ram (1999); The General Self-Efficacy scale Developed by Ralf Schwarzer and Mathis Jerusalem (1993); I-E, Locus of Control questionnaire Developed by Rotter (1966) and Mental Health Inventory Developed by Jagadish and Srivastava, A.K., (1983) were administered to the sample. Appropriate statistical techniques were applied to analyze the data. Results clearly shows that Emotional Intelligence, Self-Efficacy and Locus of Control have significant impact on Mental Health among college students.
*Research Scholar, Dept. of Psychology, S.V.University, Tirupati, AP,India
Impact of Emotional Intelligence, Self confidence and Locus of Control on Achievement of High school students
*M.V.R. Krishnaji, **Prof. B.Govinda reddy
A study was conducted on a sample of 560 high school students (280 Boys and 280 Gils) studying in an around high schools of Vizianagaram Municipal area in Vizianagaram District of Andhra Pradesh. Emotional Intelligence scale Developed by Nutankumar Thingujam and Usha Ram (1999), Self confidence inventory developed by Dr. Basavanna (1975) and Internality-Externality Scale developed by Rotter (1966) were administered to the sample. Appropriate statistical techniques were applied to analyze the data. Results clearly shows that Emotional Intelligence, Self confidence and Locus of Control have significant impact on Achievement of High school students.
Key Words: Emotional Intelligence, Self confidence, Locus of control, Home Environment, School Environment and Academic Achievement.
*Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, **Director, Directorate of Distance Education, S.V.University,Tirupati, AP, India.
Ms. Anitha and Dr. Jayashankar Reddy
The intensity of caring for an ill member of the family affects the entire immediate family and often more distant relatives. The caregiver of a member of the family with a chronic or terminal illness is in a perpetually stressful situation. The caregiver is expected by the society to take care of the patient. This responsibility of caring creates a stressful situation for the caregivers, often evoking symptoms of psychological distress. The present study compared the stress experienced by caregivers of Lymphoma and Lung cancer patients in palliative care. The sample consisted of 30 caregivers of Lung cancer patients and 25 Lymphoma caregivers. The Calgary Symptom of Stress Inventory was used to measure the stress experienced by the caregivers on eight dimensions of stress inventory. Result indicates significant differences on seven dimensions of stress (out of eight) with the caregivers of lung cancer patients having significant stress compared to the caregivers of Lymphoma
Key words: caregivers, Lymphoma, Lung cancer, stress, Palliative care
M.V.N. Venkatarao * & Prof.B.Govinda Reddy**
A study was conducted on a sample of 320 Engineers (160 state government engineers and 160 Public sector engineers from Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Based on scores obtained by 800 subjects on two Psychological variables only 600 subjects selected applying + S.D formula in such a way that they fit into 2X2 factorial design with a sample of 80 in each cell. The Occupational Role Questionnaire and Personal Strain Questionnaire developed by (Osipow & Spokane) were administered to the sample. Appropriate Statistical techniques were applied to analyze the data. Results clearly show that Sector and Job tenure have significant impact on Occupational Stress and Psychological strain among Engineering Professionals.
Key words: Stress, Occupational Stress and Psychological strain
Shabnam Ansari * Ragini Mishra**
Massive technological development in the twentieth century changed the lifestyles of human beings in many aspects in general, but more specifically it changed the development within the medical field and improved human health (Duvall & Miller, 1985; Gredes, 1988). Stokes (1992) stated that growing older is now an experience shared by the majority of people. The decreasing birthrate and advanced medical developments created a situation in which the elderly became the fastest growing population age-group (Rogers, 1979). The elderly (people above the age of 60 years) comprise 7.5 percent of India’s total population. Projections from the latest 2011 census pegged the 60- plus population at 100 million. “In 2026, they will account for over 174 million,” said Dr. Fauzdar Ram, Director of the International Institute of Population Science (IIPS). India has currently become grey country with highest population of the aged in the world after China. These age groups are also known as “geriatric age group”. Old age is considered to be the last chapter of life. Though, a universal phenomenon, it is not a uniform experience among senior citizens. Some persons achieve a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their old-age, while others turn bitter and lament due to the decline of their physical abilities and social and financial aspects.
Key words: life satisfaction old age technology development
Research Scholar, ** Research Scholar, College of Home science, Maharana Pratap University. Agricultur vand Technology, Udaipur(Rajasthan).
EmailId: ansari.shabnam59@gmail.com