Editorial Process
Following is the editorial process that every manuscript submitted to the journal undergoes during the course of the review.
Editor In Chief of International Journal of Psychosocial Research (IJPSR), inspects the submitted manuscript. If the Editor In Chief determines that the manuscript is not of sufficient quality to go through the normal review work flow or if the subject of the manuscript is not appropriate to the journal's scope, then he rejects the manuscript without further processing.
If the Editor In Chief determines that the submitted manuscript is of sufficient quality and falls within the scope of the journal, he sends the manuscript to one or more external reviewers for peer-review. These external reviewers will be selected by the Editor In Chief from the list of potential reviewers / editorial board members selected by International Journal of Psychosocial Research (IJPSR), 's apex committee based on their availability for a quality review. Most of the times, the review committee will comprise only a subset of the global editorial board due to non-availability of a common timeframe window and the inability of members to allocate quality time for a thorough review and scrutiny of research papers. Editor In Chief will be in touch with all the board members frequently to ascertain their available bandwidth and accordingly select the subset. This subset may vary from edition to edition and the selection process is left to the discretion of Editor In Chief.
Selection criteria for Editorial Board membership / Reviewership:
- 1. Qualification - For academicians, minimum of at least one Ph.D., for industry people, minimum of 15 years of experience out of which 5 years in Senior Management position and for bureaucrats, should either be a group 1 / group 2 qualified professionals with at least 12 years of experience
- 2. Number of years of teaching experience if the applicant is an academician
- 3. Number of years of academic research experience post their Ph.D.,
- 4. Quality of Research consulting experience with non-academic external bodies, if any
- 5. Number of paper presentations in National & International conferences, Seminars, Patents obtained etc.,
- 6. Number of M.Phil.,s and Ph.D.,s produced
- 7. Contribution to society, if any
- 8. Other distinguished achievements in academics and administration
- 9. Number of National, International conferences & Seminars conducted
Selected members will be intimated thru email and the status of their selection will be reflected in company's website - www.ijpsr.net
Editorial Board members / Reviewers submit their review reports on the manuscripts along with their recommendation of one of the following actions to the Editor In Chief :
- Publish Unaltered.
- Publish after Minor Changes.
- Review Again after Major Changes.
- Reject: Manuscript is flawed or not sufficiently novel.
Review Process:
The review process is double-blinded; that is, the reviewer does not know who the manuscript author(s) is and the author(s) does not know who has reviewed the manuscript. If there is any correction in the manuscript, then IJPSR's review members will correct the same with an approval from the board and communicate the corrected manuscripts to the authors. In certain cases, there will be technical interaction between IJPSR's review members and the authors for the closure of these technical corrections / gaps. Once the publication process is over, copies of online and print versions of respective journals will be sent to the Primary / Communicating author's address.
The Editor in Chief of international Journal of Psychosocial Research has the authority and reserves the right to reject any manuscript submitted under any of the company’s journals listed in the website ,(www.ijpsr.net) because of inappropriateness of its subject content, lack of quality, incorrectness of its results & recommendations, inaccuracies in the experimentations etc., The final conclusion on publication is made by the Editor in Chief (EIC) upon recommendation of Editorial Board members. Nevertheless, EIC’s decision is final with respect to the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript for all the journal publications, assignment of paper to a journal, journal management their categories, names, disciplines etc.,
If an article meets the preliminary requirements, the article will be processed for review, which could take up to 1- 2 weeks. All articles are peer reviewed.
The criteria used for reviewing articles are:
- contemporary relevance,
- contribution to knowledge,
- originality,
- experimental studies and analysis, if applicable
- clarity and logic in analysis,
- methodology (for research articles),
- implications for intervention,
- appropriateness of references, and
- language, its use and flow
Note:- In order to defeat the counterfeit acceptance letter from the fake and unruly publishers all across the globe for our reputed journal articles, we are introducing the Hologram Affixed Acceptance Letter (HAAL) for all short listed, reviewed & selected articles.
Changes in the papers: No changes in paper will be accepted once the decision of acceptance is announced thru email to the communicating / corresponding author. So authors are requested to make all the corrections well prior to the decision of acceptance for paper publication announced to the authors / scholars.
Discrepancies in the paper: Also if there is any discrepancy in the paper published in our journal (Example, could be due to manual error), this should be reported to us within 5 working days of the receipt of the hard copy of our journal in which the concerned author's paper is published. If it is so, company will take remedial action for such deviations / gaps. Any complaints issues received after 5 working days of the receipt of the hard copy of our journal will not be entertained for resolution.
Manuscript / Paper withdrawal: Authors / Scholars are allowed to withdraw their paper(s) only within 2 weeks from the date of acceptance of paper. Acceptance notification will be sent to the authors thru email. If there is an explicitly written withdrawal mail from the communicating author within 2 weeks from the date of acceptance of paper, the paper will be withdrawn from the publication process immediately. Otherwise EDITOR IN CHIEF and the Editorial Board will decide whether to publish / reject the paper. This policy is followed strictly to avoid multiple parallel publications in different journals.
Copyright: Each manuscript must be accompanied by a statement that it has been neither published nor submitted for publication, in whole or in part, either in a serial, professional journal or as a part in a book which is formally published and made available to the public. If the manuscript is accepted for publication in our journals, it must not be published in any periodical(s) elsewhere without the permission of the editorial board. If the manuscript is accepted for publication in our journals, it will be communicated to the author(s) who submitted the same through e-mail or telephone. Author(s) is/are expected to send the Copyright Transfer Agreement within 10 working days from the date of acceptance of paper (Scanned copy of the Copyright Transfer Agreement form is accepted). If there is no communication (either positive or negative) from the concerned author(s), then it is upto the EIC to have a final verdict w.r.t the publication status. It may either be sent to the publication unit for publication (either in National or in International Journals) or be rejected.
Proof reading:
We are an award-winning team of professional editors and proofreaders that has revised documents for 550+ clients in 30+ countries. The page proofs are read not only by the author but also by a professional proofreader, who corrects errors and defects in the copyediting stage. Author and the proofreader will return the corrected proof to the production editor, who submits it to the typesetter for correction. The production editor then reviews the revised proofs to ensure that all corrections have been made. If author’s material is perfect, then it will be sent to the next step
What will you receive?
- An edited document in which spelling errors, grammar errors, and typos have been corrected
- Changes and suggestions, if any to help improve clarity, flow, structure, and readability
- Tracked revisions so that you can see and review all the changes that have been made
- Comments and suggestions, if any that will help you improve the writing and refine your message
- A short summary of the work that has been done and any major concerns
What types of documents can you use this service for?
- Web copy, Sales copy
- Project services / PhD Services
- Manuscript / Research Article reviews
- Testing, Proofreading, and Editing Online Website Content, Corporate blog posts, Social media posts
- Editing and Proofing Online Advertisements
- Proofreading Resumes for Online Submission
- Editing Online and Offline Legal and Business Documents
- Proofreading Medical Websites and Documents
- Rewriting and Editing Business and Professional Printed Matter
- Assisting with Grammatical Questions, Usage, and All Components of Good Writing
Proofreading Services: Areas of Concern
- Typographical Errors
- Grammatical Mistakes
- Run-On Sentences
- Punctuation & Quotation Marks
- Subject-Verb Disagreements
- Sentence Fragments and Lengths
- Spelling
- Apostrophes
- Comma Usage and Splices
- Capitalization
- Tenses
- Structure and Theme
- Organization
- Audience Appropriateness